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People with interstitial lung disease (ILD) can become stressed when trying to balance the demands of managing their disease. However, there may be ways to manage this stress and relax your body and mind that your healthcare team may discuss with you to manage the emotional demands of living with ILD. These techniques may help improve your mood and sense of well-being.

Using Relaxation Techniques

Practicing relaxation techniques may help to:

  • Slow breathing
  • Improve concentration and mood
  • Lower fatigue
  • Reduce anger and frustration

People with ILD should discuss the relaxation techniques with their healthcare team before commencing a program.

Simple Relaxation Exercises

There are many different relaxation techniques that you can try, like massage, Tai chi, or music therapy. Below are two simple relaxation exercises that may help both your mind and body.

Do you have 60 seconds to spare?


Sit down
Sit down in a comfortable chair


Breathe in
Take a few slow, deep breaths and quietly say to yourself, "I am" as you breathe in


Breathe out
Then say, "at peace" as you breathe out


Repeat this slowly 2 or 3 times. You should start to feel your body relax into the support of the chair

Do you have 4 minutes to spare?


Sit down
Sit down in a comfortable chair


Tense your muscles
Starting in your toes, tense your muscles for about 5 seconds and then relax them for 30 seconds


Repeat tensing other muscles
After your toes, tense your calves and release, repeating this pattern with muscles all the way up to your head

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