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Yoga is an ancient practice that combines stretching and/or exercises with breathing techniques and meditation. It may help to promote relaxation and a sense of well-being. Discuss yoga with your healthcare team. They will help you determine if it may be suitable for you.

What Does a Yoga Class Involve?

Yoga can take many different forms; however, most classes will follow a similar routine. A typical yoga class consists of:


A warmup, where you move gently to stretch different parts of the body


Light breathing exercises, where you match your movement to your breathing


A series of movements and poses to stretch and strengthen different parts of the body


A conclusion with a period of relaxation and meditation

ILD Helpful Hint, Icon
Quick Tip

If you find a specific pose too difficult, your teacher may be able to help you with an adaption of that pose that works for you. Most poses have different variations that vary from hard to easier to perform.

What Should I Bear in Mind Before Starting Yoga?

Many people practice yoga for different reasons: to gain strength, increase flexibility, manage stress, or to adopt a more peaceful way of life.

Whatever your reasons for turning to yoga, you’ll want to keep a few considerations in mind to get off to a good start.

  • Be sure to consult your healthcare team before starting a yoga practice program. Explain the specific kind of yoga you intend to practice. They may point you in the direction of local classes for people with ILD
  • Set clear goals for yourself. Decide exactly what you want to accomplish (flexibility, fitness, better mental health)
  • Keep a practice diary and regularly read through your diary to see the progress you’ve made. Progress is the best motivator

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